All this talk of in-house megabucks brings to mind the plight of Stephen R. Williams. Williams works in-house – and all hours – with a multi-facility hospital network in the Midwest. He also writes a column, in what little spare time he has, for Above the Law. This summer, Williams let off a little steam in a nifty rant about comp – his comp – which is in white-shoe territory – assuming those shoes are on the feet of a hospital orderly.
Continue Reading Flipping Out: The $15/hour, 24/7/365 Corporate Counsel 

Today’s headlines point to why it is critical to review and strengthen company harassment programs.

In the current climate of #MeToo and the Time’s Up movement, many employers are scrambling to answer a variety of questions relating to harassment in the workplace. Chief among these are what’s changed, and what changes do we need to make now?
Continue Reading #MeToo and the Workplace: What’s Changed – and What Needs to Change