Highlights from our recent webinar with members of FTI Consulting and Shook, Hardy & Bacon.
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data privacy
A New Era of Governance, Risk and Compliance
By Bill Piwonka - Exterro on
Posted in Risk Management, Technology
Bill Piwonka, chief marketing officer of Exterro, discusses the way the role of chief legal officer has expanded in recent years, as well as what organizations can do internally to stay ahead of changing regulations around data privacy and cybersecurity.Continue Reading A New Era of Governance, Risk and Compliance
Globally Connected E-Discovery
By Joe Skalski - FRONTEO on
Posted in Technology
Joe Skalski, director of consulting services for engagement management at FRONTEO, discusses the firm’s unique e-discovery capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region, from its technological skills to the importance of having boots on the ground.
Continue Reading Globally Connected E-Discovery