The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) has unveiled its 2021 Value Champions, recognizing a dozen law departments, and their outside partners, for using technology and data to optimize legal services and drive value.
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Pairing Incredibly Sharp Legal Minds With Brilliant Data Scientists
Wendell Jisa, CEO of Reveal, and Jay Leib, executive vice president of Reveal, discuss a new technology-enabled legal service, Aiscension, that’s aimed at discovering business risks posed by cartels.
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Putting Control in the Hands Of Legal Departments
Don Keller, CEO and founder of Joinder, discusses the unique capabilities of his company’s new legal tech platform, and how it can help empower in-house legal departments to truly take command of their work product.
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Using Data to Help Companies And Law Firms Win Big
Karl Harris, CEO of Lex Machina, discusses how Lex Machina’s legal analytics technology can be used to improve processes and reveal key trends, ultimately helping lawyers win business and win cases.
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New Law Leverages Nontraditional Approaches to Improve Outcomes
Robin Snasdell, managing director at Consilio, discusses the concept of “new law,” how technology is transforming various legal processes, and where improvements can still be made in the future.

Evolving Technology Brings New Challenges, and New Solutions
Alex Chatzistamatis, senior principal enterprise architect with Nuix, discusses the ways that technological advancements like machine learning and artificial intelligence are shaping the future of e-discovery and other areas of the legal profession.
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Directing the Course of an Investigation With Database Discovery Tactics
Julian Ackert, managing director at iDiscovery Solutions, discusses the differences between structured and unstructured data and how database discovery can allow a legal team to conserve resources and get the best outcome for their client.
Pandemic’s Silver Lining for Law Departments
Thomson Reuters, drawing from its recently released 2021 State of Corporate Law Departments Report, says forward-thinking in-house leaders are poised to accelerate value optimization by continuing to invest in the “technology, processes and smart resourcing” the pandemic’s disruption forced upon them. “Through unprecedented disruption, crisis management and immediate shifts to new ways of working, critical gaps and shortcomings within departments were revealed and many corrected through the implementation of new processes and technologies,” says Lisa Hart Shepherd, VP of Research & Advisory Services for Thomson Reuters. “Law department leaders who quickly realized traditional methods of work could evolve and still meet department goals were able to pivot faster and more successfully during this year of unexpected challenges.” Download the complete free report here.
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Looking Beyond Traditional Criteria To Select the Right Service Provider For Your Legal Tech
Ask these questions to cut through the marketing noise and ensure quality and longevity.
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KPMG Allies with Contract Management AI Firm
KPMG continued to position itself as a go-to resource for corporate law departments with an alliance aimed at a major challenge in-house counsel face: managing contract portfolios. KPMG’s partnership with Seattle-based CLM company SirionLabs harnesses AI-driven extraction to more quickly transform unstructured contract data into meaningful information.
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