When you think of enterprise legal management (ELM) systems, you probably think about the ways they can make spend and matter management more efficient. But ELM systems are quickly evolving, becoming more comprehensive all the time, and today they can help optimize contract management, NDA creation and distribution, legal holds, legal service requests and much more.
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How We Stripped Down NDAs: Adobe’s GC wanted a nondisclosure agreement template that could be used without calling a lawyer
By Mike Dillon - Adobe Systems, Inc. on
Posted in Operations
Mike Dillon, the general counsel of Adobe Systems Inc., isn’t fond of the way many lawyers write. And it’s not just the legal briefs that are anything but. His dissatisfaction even extends to contracts like nondisclosure agreements. So, not long after he landed at the software company in 2012, he set out to do something about it. He thought there was no reason why NDAs had to be a half-dozen pages or longer. He believed they could be reduced to a single page. Taking a cue from our subject, this interview has been edited for length and style.
Continue Reading How We Stripped Down NDAs: Adobe’s GC wanted a nondisclosure agreement template that could be used without calling a lawyer